Women’s Health Clinic

Women’s Health Services

At Woodstock Road Chemist, we provide a range of women’s health services to support your health and wellbeing. Some treatments are available on the NHS, and others may only be available as private procedures. Our staff will discuss treatment options with you so you can make an informed choice. A few of the many women’s health services provided by us include:


Morning After Pill

The Morning after pill or Emergency contraception is a tablet that a woman takes to help prevent pregnancy following unprotected sex. Unprotected sex includes when other forms of contraception have failed in some way, such as a condom coming off during sex.


Period Delay

Period delay is when you choose to delay your normal monthly period. Sometimes, this is done by taking a period delay tablet called Norethisterone.

Womens Health Clinic

Stop Smoking

Our pharmacists are accredited Stop Smoking advisors and can give you counselling about stopping smoking. Plus we can issue you with the appropriate nicotine replacement products from the pharmacy. The anti-smoking products we can provide include nicotine replacement patches, chewing gum, nasal sprays and inhalers to help relieve the craving and withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping smoking. We can tailor a service for you over a twelve-week period to support your needs. We have had many successful patients who have stuck with this plan.



Different parts of your urinary tract, including your bladder (cystitis), urethra (urethritis), or kidneys (kidney infection) can be affected by urinary tract infections (UTIs). Bladder infections are very common and not normally serious if treated quickly. However, the infection can cause more serious issues if it spreads to the kidneys. Most UTIs though can be easily treated with antibiotics.


And More…

We are happy to have a consultation with you to discuss your ailments and suggest a course of action thereafter, no matter what it is that ails you!


Why Choose Woodstock Road Chemist for Women’s Health?

The benefit to you is the convenience of accessing treatment without having to see your GP first. This means you often don’t have a long wait for appointments. Visiting Woodstock Road Chemist is quicker and easier plus we are open on Saturdays!

Being able to access treatment for minor conditions through your pharmacy eases the pressure off of GPs and A&E departments. So, you don’t need to visit a GP for a cough or lower back pain. Or pop into A&E for paracetamol!

Our pharmacists are clinically trained to provide these treatments. Plus, we know when to refer you to your GP or to A&E. This way you know that you’re in the right place to receive the treatment you need.

Visit Woodstock Road Chemist in Oxford. We have private consultation rooms available should you prefer to be discrete and also offer consultations over the phone. We’re a friendly team of pharmacy professionals dedicated to improving the health of Oxford!



Please note: the price for this service will be determined at the point of consultation, ignore the online service price of £0.00 when booking an appointment.